Friday, September 28, 2012


Making a game and making art work is different in some ways but also similar in as well. When making these games they started out with an idea. Art work is made the same way for me. I usually have to think of what I would like to do before taking the steps to get it done. Another thing that is similar is when making art I may have to draw little sketches to see if what I plan to do will work. With the game making I had to draw out a diagram to get an idea of how the game will go before introducing it to my classmates.

There were many differences as well. When making the games i didn't have to worry as much about the aesthetics of it. It could have looked however I wanted it to as long as it was fun and organized. With art we always want to make something that makes people look and hold their attention. Another thing is interaction. When I make art it is not usually something that people can interact with. Unlike the art in the gallery I make art that is less interactive. So when i made this game it was completely interactive. Lastly I felt that one of the other contrasts was the fact that when making the game I had to consider other people. I had to think what people would want to do and enjoy doing. When making art I hardly consider others. I make art that would please me. Of course unless it’s for a class but even then I usually make art that I’m satisfied with and later think if others will like it.


  1. I agree with you that making art and creating our games started with an idea. The process that we went through is very similar to the way we make art, pitching an idea, collaborating or critiquing, and then editing and revising. I also like that you touched on the organization factor. Especially in new media, I feel that we always need organization of our ideas. Traditional art forms work this way too, however they are more of a change as you go experience.
    One thing I found interesting is that you stated you rarely consider others in your art making. I do the same thing, however I wonder if that is the best option. We make art to hold others attention, yet we don't consider anybody but ourselves most often. A professor once asked me, "Why make art with not intentions of others seeing it?" Should we be making a statement with our art, or just satisfying ourselves? I guess that answer depends on where we want to end up in our career.

  2. It is important to have an idea and I understand how sketching can be helpful in any form of art. I agree that aesthetics was not a focus in this project. This was different for me because i am always concerned about aesthetics. A game board could focus on aesthetics, for sure. However, interactive art is more about the experience. With art I feel there are less rules, especially when you are expressing yourself. In a game, there are rules and a sense of a wider space.

  3. intriguingly i feel the opposite about the whole freedom thing. ¬_¬ i felt more free with games than i did with most art assignments.

    i find it interesting that you would change your stance on how to create work when we changed subjects to games. why would you put your self in the position of trying to interpret what others want instead of just creating something that you want? trying to be something or some one else when making decisions is the worst way to make them and when its art, it can show threw. unoriginality, overly processed, inorganic creation comes from trying to cater to others.

    when designing my two games (well 6) i just looked at what i liked and then designed games i would want to play. the ones i presented were the ones i liked the most and what do you know, everyone else liked them. there will always be some one who likes what you make, and they are the more authentic followers who will be there when all is said and done.

  4. I also feel an opposite, however, in a different region. with my art, i don't usually look to make an attention getter for viewers, but instead a way to cause the interaction, wether it be lasting or not. i enjoy thinking that what i have created causes, even if only an instance, wonder and confusion. the game making for me was something completely different that anything else i have ever done but it was definitely a good learning experience and lots of valuable knowledge came to me from it.
